Here is Our Confession as we speak it over ourselves each week:
"I have a DREAM for my Life"
"I will prosper and be in health as my soul prospers"
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
"I know my body is the Temple of God and is bought with a price"
"I will glorify God with my body by being healthy"
"I will allow the fruit of the spirit, especially self-control, to work in my life"
"I will not use food to be my Comforter, but depend on the Holy Spirit"
"I know I can accomplish anything, because I am more than a conqueror"
"I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength"
Each day the Holy Spirit will bring back portions of this confession to my mind, especially when it looks like I'm going to stray from the "path." I know that has happened to others in our DREAM group as well. This is a good thing. The more you put God's word inside you, the more it will come out when the need arises.
Years ago I had an object lesson with the kids in my children's church, where I talked about what we put into our minds and hearts. If we put "garbage" into our minds, like the wrong types of television shows, music, etc., in our times of testing or "trials" we're going to have "stinkin' thinkin'" as I called it to the kids. Whatever we put inside us will eventually come out. If we are putting the Word of God inside us, then that's what is going to come out when we are tested and tried.
I am reminded of a story my Dad, who was a Pastor and Evangelist, used to tell about two men. Both men attended church, both men loved God. One day while both men were in the front of the church another person came by and began to throw eggs at the church and the men, both of whom just happened to be struck by the flying eggs. One man began to cuss and curse as he was being hit by the eggs. The other began to praise God. Puzzled, the first man asked the second why he had praised God instead of cursing. The man simply replied, "If you have cursing on the inside of you, that's what is going to come out. But if you have praising on the inside of you, that's what is going to come out."
That is exactly true with everything in life. Yes, I know the parallel to health and weight loss with this story. If we put good, healthy food into our bodies, we will be good and healthy. You know, "You are what you eat." It is also true with how we view ourselves. If we look at ourselves, concerned what others may think of us, we will not be living up to the potential God has for us. There are only two opinions that matter, and if you get right down to it, only one... God's opinion and ours. God's opinion of us is the most important.
This is the reason when I was praying about Our Confession, I asked God to give me specific scriptures to help us see us through His eyes. If you attend our DREAM meeting and have a copy of Our Confession, down at the bottom of the page is the list of the scriptures used for the confession.
The first line, "I have a DREAM for my life", we've already covered in previous blogs. Starting tomorrow we'll begin to look at each line of Our Confession and hopefully we'll be able to see ourselves more as God sees us.
If you would like more information about our DREAM Weight-Loss Group, please feel free to leave a comment below or email us directly at
Until tomorrow, my friends, be blessed!
Remember to DREAM!