What is the main reason a person's weight loss journey fails? They simply give up! Giving up is easy, it means nothing is required. If anything else, I hope this is an encouragement to you. Sometimes a little encouragement is all the motivation we need, but sometimes we need a good kick in the pants, or as my dad would say "a 2 by 4 between the ears."
Let me explain... Growing up I heard my dad used an illustration in his sermons about a stubborn old mule they had when he was a kid. They used the mule for different jobs around the farm, because they did not have a tractor. One of the jobs was plowing the garden spot. Sometimes the mule would cooperate without any encouragement, but most of the time it had to be "encouraged" to cooperate. When all else failed to get the mule's attention, my dad found that a smart smack with a 2 by 4 between the mule's ears would do the trick and get the mule to cooperate. It was all a matter of getting its attention to accomplish the task at hand.
The same is true with us. We can be just as stubborn as my dad's old mule, and sometimes we need, what people have labeled as, a "wake-up" call. These can come in many different forms depending on the situation. Sometimes all we need is a little "encouragement" to get us motivated. Once we're motivated, there is nothing that is too impossible to be accomplished. There is positive motivation and negative motivation, and it is very important to tell the difference between the two. One will build a person up, the other will tear down. One will cause happiness and joy, while the other sadness and sorrow.
Recently I had one of those "2 by 4" moments. This one particular day my wife and I went to the gym to work out, I really wasn't in a good mood and my intention that day was to do as little as possible, but to get by for the day and say that I had done my "work out." Our usual routine upon arriving to the gym is to head for the treadmills, but I needed to use the restroom, so I went that direction while my wife went to the treadmill. Upon completing my business, I headed back across the gym to the treadmills when something caught my eye. Our gym has personal trainers for those who wish their services. I noticed one of the trainers helping a lady, who didn't look older than me, out of a wheel chair. I also observed the lady had what looked like to me as multiple sclerosis. I'm not sure if that is truly what she has, but that was what I guessed. With the trainer's assistance, she made her way to one of the elliptical machines and began her workout. By the time I reached the treadmill where my wife was, I was in tears. I told her about the lady I had seen. Boy, did I ever feel that "2 by 4!" That got me motivated that day to stop whining around and get to work, and I did!
Sometimes we need these little "motivations" to get us going. I want to encourage you today, don't give up because something seems hard or you're not seeing results as quickly as you'd like. If you are faithful to your workout, you will see results!
Until next time, be blessed!
Remember to DREAM!