You can find out more information about Total 10 be visiting The basics of the plan I will post here.
How to Start Your
a hot cup of water with lemon to kick-start your digestion process for the day.
This will also increase detoxification because the bitterness of the lemon
activates the bile flow, which helps emulsify and remove fat-soluble toxins.
What to Eat for Breakfast
Start your day with a smoothie. Studies show that a protein-rich breakfast helps reduce your hunger hormone. Try this Berry Smoothie, Pumpkin Pie Smoothie or Chocolate-Covered Almond Smoothie to steady your blood sugar and reduce metabolic fluctuations throughout the day.What to Eat the Rest of the Day
Make protein-focused meals, like these delicious bowls, for the remainder of your day. High-protein meals take more work to digest and metabolize, which means you burn more calories processing them. Plus, your body uses amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which makes you more toned and helps burn calories when you aren't being active. Choose among poultry, fish or eggs as your main sources of protein for your meals and eat 12 ounces of protein per day.How Often to Eat
You can eat the Total 10 Vegetable Broth in unlimited amounts on the plan. It's filled with detoxifying vegetables and will keep you satiated throughout the day. You can also enjoy half a cup of quinoa along with unlimited amounts of non-starchy vegetables. These low-glycemic veggies take a long time for the body to absorb, so you'll stay fuller longer.What Snacks to Eat
You can have two snacks a day on the plan. Snack on nuts, an apple with nut butter, 2% plain Greek yogurt or one of these Total 10 snack recipes. Make sure the nuts are raw and unsalted and keep it to one serving (22 nuts). Just make sure you choose nuts or nut butter, not both. If you snack on nuts one day, save the nut butter for the next day.What to Eliminate
These are the foods you'll need to eliminate on the plan. Once you take these out of your diet, you'll lose weight faster and will have higher energy levels.-Wheat
-Refined sugar
-Artificial sweeteners
-Processed foods
How Much Caffeine to Have
You can have one cup of coffee a day. Use unsweetened vanilla almond milk or coconut milk as a sweetener.
These are just the basics of the program for the first two weeks. For more information and to download the plan for yourself visit