Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Are You Convinced of the Truth?

“For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded
that He is able to keep that which I have committed
unto Him against that day.”
- 2 Timothy 1:12

Motivation alone isn’t enough to lose weight, although it does contribute to the commitment of finding health.  We must add understanding which keeps us from changing our minds.  But understanding lacks action that enforces our diet.  So then conviction keeps us fighting until the fat giant is overcome.

Are You Convinced of the Truth?

Food Truth # 1
We must balance our intake of food with our output of energy.  If we eat too many calories and consume more fat grams than we can use, our body must store the leftover energy somewhere.  The body was designed by God to store the extra energy in fat cells.  To defeat our giant, we must balance our output of activity with our intake of fuel.

If your activity is not demanding enough to necessitate your consumption, you must cut back.  One of the biggest problems is that we see food as entertainment instead of fuel.  Most of the time our entertainment leaves us with excess fuel.

Food Truth # 2
Starvation is not balance.  If we withhold food from our body, it is designed to shut down its metabolism and conserve energy to extend its life-span.  Our metabolism works better when it is busy digesting low-fat foods than when it shuts down from starvation.  Therefore, give your body frequent supplies (five times a day) of low-fat nutritious food to energize it and to stimulate your metabolism.

Food Truth # 3
Your body needs four hours of exercise each week.  Balancing exercise with sensible eating keeps the fat giant from rising up against you again.  Remember: More food is all right, but its going to mean more strenuous activity.  You would be shocked how much walking or sit-ups it takes to burn off that fried chicken!  After a while you will conclude it is not worth it.

Food Truth # 4
Believing the truth will save your life, your DREAM, and your ministry.  Face the facts, believe the truth, and stick to it.  The greatest weapon is information, and when you have the truth, do not allow your temptation to dull your convictions.  You must have health and energy for anything you want to do with your life.  Your strength is dependent on the fuel you feed your body.

Who Is Your King?

The story of the fat King Eglon in the third chapter of Judges fascinates me.  A new generation of Israelites were tested to see if they would obey the Lord’s commands which were given to their forefathers through Moses.  This young generation had never had to fight for anything like their forefathers had.  It seems fair to say, they were immature and self-indulgent.

They did evil in the sight of the Lord by serving other gods, so He left them until they cried out for deliverance.  In His mercy he gave them a king who kept them in peace for forty years.  Then, once again, they became selfish and did evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord gave Eglon power of the people of Israel.  Eglon took possession of their city and ruled them for eighteen years.

The children of Israel cried out for help again, and God sent Ehud, a left-handed man to Eglon.  He came with a double-edged sword about a food and half long and told Eglon he had a message from God.  As Eglon rose from his seat, Ehud plunged the sword into the king’s belly.

The king was so fat, the entire sword disappeared in his gut!  Even the handle sank in as the sword came out the back.  Verse 22 says that Ehud could not withdraw the sword, and dirt came out of King Eglon.  What a disgusting sight that must have been!

Ehud escaped and later returned with the children of Israel to fight the men of Moab.  These robust men of valor slew ten thousand, so that not one of Moab’s men were left.  They beheaded their giant and remained in peace for eighty years.

How Long Have You Been In Bondage?

Eighteen years of bondage was a long time for the Israelites to be oppressed before they were willing to fight for freedom.  How long are you willing to submit to the lusty king before you are ready to fight for your right to peace?

Jesus, the King of Peace, stands ready with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to impale your enemy with truth.  That’s why it is so important that you include the Word of God in your fight.  It is God’s Word that gives you the power to slay the giant and let all the dirt, candy, pies, and greasy foods spill out of your life.

The truth is too many pizzas, cookies, and cobblers really can kill us.  But before taking our lives, they will destroy our zeal and enthusiasm for the work of God.  We need to let the truth cut away our deception and drain the dirt out of our diet.

To be continued…
Until tomorrow, be blessed!
Remember to DREAM!

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