Sunday, May 13, 2012

New Thrills

New Thrills
"I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me."
- Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Ever had a time when you went on vacation and one place the whole family wanted to go was a theme park, and you dreaded the whole idea because all you could think about was all the walking?  Yeah, me too!  Growing up it seemed like all our vacations Daddy would take us to some theme park.  From Six Flags in Saint Louis to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, Silver Dollar City in Branson, we went to a lot of theme parks.  It was great fun.  One of my favorite memories was riding one of the big roller coasters with my dad.  At the time the one in Saint Louis was called "The Screaming Eagle."  I remember dad got us to the very front of the coaster (always a more exciting ride).  I asked him while going up the hill before the first big drop why they called it the screaming eagle, all he said was "you'll see."  Boy did I ever.  I screamed the whole way from the first drop and believe it or not, I have been hooked on coasters ever since.
As I've grown older, gotten married, I still love coasters.  There some I'll never ride again, but I can say I rode it once.  There are some I haven't been able to ride mainly because my back-side at the time would not fit the seats.  I was even asked to get off a ride at a park that will not be named, because I asked if they had an extension for the seat belt.  They literally told me I was too big for the ride.  I was humiliated in front of a whole coaster of people and a few of my friends who were with us at the park.  So I removed myself from the seat and watched them take off and enjoy the ride.

I have lost some weight, a smaller man than I was at that time, but I still feel in myself I'm a little too large for the ride.  So, I know the trepidation you feel when someone suggests going to a theme park, and not just because of the walking.  I don't know why I'm writing all this, except to let you know I know how it feels.  Looking back at my life I realize there are a lot of things that I have not done, places I haven't been, simply because of my size.

I'm gonna let you know one of my dreams for after I reach my goal weight.  I plan to go back to that theme park that made me get off the coaster and ride it all day!  Well, maybe not all day, but you see my point.  It's one of my dreams, that for a while I believed was unreachable, but it is not!  It is so totally reachable.

I want to encourage you not to give up on your dreams.  There are new thrills waiting all of us at the end of our weight-loss journey.  If life hasn't been fun for you, keep dreaming.  Life will become fun again.  Keep your dreams alive in your heart, ALWAYS!  You will get there!

Mini-Challenge of the Day

Write down an activity you have avoided because of your weight.  Describe why you have avoided it and how it made you feel.  Now imagine how it would feel to do that activity with the new you, thinner and full of energy.  Write down as many details you can, this will be the new you!

Tip of the Day

Find a picture of a healthy and thin person that is inspiring to you.  It could be an athlete from a magazine, or even a photo of you when you were thinner.  Be realistic about this.  Don't choose a picture from when you were thin at thirteen or an anorexic model.  This picture should make you feel good and excited about what you can achieve.  Tape this photo to your fridge so you can see it every day.
Until tomorrow, be blessed!

Remember to DREAM!

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