Well DREAM has officially begun. Our first meeting tonight was a success with 22 in attendance. Our devotional for the evening was taken from the story of David and Goliath, and entitled "Hey, Giant! Who You Callin' Fat?" We talked about how that our weight is the probably the biggest "giant" we will ever face in our life. It has intimidated us, made us fearful and kept us from being our best.
As in the story of David & Goliath, David went to face the giant with God on his side. David said, "You come to me with a spear and a sword, but I come to you in the name of the Lord God, Almighty! Who will this day deliver you into my hands!" Passing a brook, David picks up five smooth stones and heads out to meet the giant. He puts one stone into his sling - - round and round it goes. He let fly with the stone and it met it's mark and the giant fell dead.
We talked about how we can be "giant killers," especially when it comes to our weight. Us, too, like David, have five smooth "stones" at our disposal... D-R-E-A-M
D- Dream about where you want your life to be. Not just your weight loss, but every area of your life. What are your dreams?
R- Realize where you are today. We need to know our weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, all the numbers that are effecting our lives, so we can start making a change and pushing toward our dream.
E- Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat. In this land of "super-size" everything, its time to learn portion control and eating the right foods. Eating healthy. Basically, read the labels on some of the food in your pantry...my philosophy, if you can't pronounce it you shouldn't be eating it!
A- Activate Your body! There it is...the dreaded "exercise." Did you realize that if you can find 15 minutes in your busy day to do something, some kind of exercise, it is going to make a difference in your health. And if you find 15 minutes four times a day, well lookey there, you've just exercised for a whole hour. Get up, get out and do something!
M- Make a difference in the lives of others. We're not put on this planet just to take care of ourselves, God put us here to care for each other. A kind word of encouragement goes a long way. We are having "DREAM Buddies", people who will "buddy up" with another to be an encouragement and help when things get difficult. And if you've ever tried to lose weight, you know how things can go.
So basically, that was our meeting in a "nut shell". My prayer is that the concept of DREAM will spread and we'll be able to help more people with their weight-loss journey and we can all live in better health.
Be blessed, my friends!
And don't forget to DREAM!
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