Friday, May 25, 2012

Don't Forget Your River Stones - Part 5

Don’t Forget Your River Stones – Part 5

“And David said, “…Is there not a cause?”
-1 Samuel 17:29

David defeated Goliath with a slingshot and five water-polished stones.  He refused Saul’s armor and didn’t seem too impressed with the rewards the king offered to the one who killed the giant.  Goliath had bellowed his challenge for forty days, but no man wanted to marry a princess badly enough to fight this ten-food mass of ruthless flesh.

David spoke to the men and said, “But what will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel?”

And the men repeated the recompense again, perhaps thinking, “What part of riches, fame, and the easy-life do you not understand, brother?”  Maybe David just didn’t hear them the first time, or maybe he was saying, “All those promises could be won without killing giants.  So, what’s the real reward?”  Either way, David understood something the other men didn’t.

David understood that killing the giant was part of a much bigger purpose and plan of God than the gratuity the king could offer.
David understood that killing this giant won freedom for all of Israel and glorified God.
David understood that Goliath wasn’t any more powerful than the lion and bear he had fought in earlier battles.
David understood that it was the Lord Who had delivered him out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear.
David understood that the Lord would deliver him out of the hand of the Philistine.

When he marched onto the field, David took his faithful slingshot, the one he had used in the earlier battles.  He chose river stones he knew would be accurate, top-flight performers when hurled in the air.  And he trusted God to be his only shield.  He had his faith in his hand, truth in his pocket, and God’s impenetrable protection encompassed about him.  David’s understanding set him apart from all the king’s men.

“Understanding” Is the Second Stone

Imagine Goliath’s surprise when, after forty days of boasting and challenging Saul’s men to a play-off, he sees a young unarmored boy walk on the field with what appeared to be a stick.

Goliath said the same thing to David that we have heard the devil say to us, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and beasts of the field.”

Then David replied, “You come to me with powerful looking weapons, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Whom you have defied.  Today, the Lord will deliver you into my hand.”

David understood Who God was and what His will was for His people.
David understood that God did not want His people to be slaves to the Philistines.
David understood God’s bigger plan.
David understood that truth was the jab that would weaken his opponent.
David understood that’s God’s glory was being challenged.
David understood that God would defend His own name.

To be continued… tomorrow “How Clear Is Your Understanding of This Battle of the Bulge?”

Until tomorrow, be blessed!
Remember to DREAM!

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