"For God has not given us a
spirit of fear,
but of power and of love
and of a sound mind."
spirit of fear,
but of power and of love
and of a sound mind."
- 2 Timothy 1:7
"Here's one important thing to remember with oxygen masks. Put your mask on first before doing anything for anyone else."
TheTravelInsider.Info, "How to Survive a Plane Crash"
When you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you that in the case of an emergency, you must put on your oxygen mask first before you help the person next to you, even if it's your own child. It seems backward as most of us are used to putting others before ourselves. But how are you going to help the person next to you if you are unable to breathe yourself?
Women are especially notorious for doing everything for everyone else and putting themselves on the back burner. What I have learned from talking to people all over the country is that there is a universal feeling of guilt when we care for our needs. Many of us feel guilty all the time. I truly believe guilt is a wasted emotion. Feeling guilty doesn't change a single thing.
One thing that I hope you lose, besides weight, is the guilt associated with taking time for yourself. You must take time for you. You must take time to exercise, to cook your meals, to recharge by getting adequate sleep. You must have your own identity and remember who you are. You are more than a spouse or a parent or a friend or sibling. You must make yourself healthy and happy first before you can really help others.
As children we dream of what we're going to do or be when we grow up. As we get older we have so much to do that sometimes our dreams get lost in the shuffle. Don't let this happen to you. Realize that taking time for you is a good thing. It helps you to have the energy and stability of mind to take care of the ones you love. Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that fight depression and help to ease anxiety. Rest helps your body to recover so you can deal with the stresses of life. God rested on the seventh day for a reason. He was setting an example for us to follow because He made our bodies and He knows what is best for them.
Don't be afraid to do it, God doesn't give us fear it comes from someplace else. When we feel guilt, there is fear attached to it. 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God gives us power, love and a sound mind...free from fear and guilt. Years ago I learned a definition for fear..."false evidence appearing real". Guilt will make you fearful at what other people think, don't worry about what other people think. Keep going no matter what it is, weight-loss or whatever.
Make time for you a priority today.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Block out at least three to four times a week for exercise. Put this in your calendar and organize your day around this time. If you have children, most fitness centers provide childcare. If not, exercise when your kids are in school or find a neighbor or friend who understands how much this health journey means to you and ask if she can watch them for a while. You have to find the time to make working out a priority. You have to find the time to make working out a priority. It just might save your life.
Tip of the Day
When shopping, park in the parking space farthest from the entrance instead of driving around to find the closest spot. Make this a habit every time you go shopping. You will burn calories and get some well-needed fresh air.
Until tomorrow, be blessed!
Remember to DREAM
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